PRESS: Is tap water in Singapore safe to consume?

by Nadia K

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We’re thrilled to be featured in Expat Living, where they highlight the benefits of drinking mineral-rich water and how Natural Springs Australia provides a convenient, eco-friendly option in Singapore.

Is Tap Water in Singapore Really the Best Choice?

We all know staying hydrated is key to good health, but let’s be honest - tap water in Singapore doesn’t always taste great. And when water doesn’t taste good, we tend to drink less of it. Beyond taste, there are also concerns about what’s in our tap water and whether it’s the best option for long-term health.

Is Singapore Tap Water Safe?

Yes, Singapore’s tap water is generally safe to drink. A 2019 CNA Insider study tested water from 15 taps across the island - including eateries, shopping centres, public toilets, and HDB flats - and found no bacteria present. It also detected only trace amounts of metal contaminants, well below World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines. That said, small amounts of chlorine and sulphate are often used in water treatment, and aging pipes in buildings can introduce rust or other particles. While these levels are regulated, some people prefer an alternative source of drinking water that is naturally pure and free from additives.

Why Hydration Matters More Than You Think

Water plays a crucial role in almost every bodily function.

Staying properly hydrated: 

  • Supports kidney health by flushing out sodium and toxins
  • Helps with digestion and metabolism
  • Prevents dehydration-related fatigue and brain fog

Did you know that fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration? Since our bodies are 50-60% water, even mild dehydration forces the heart to work harder to deliver nutrients to cells - leaving you feeling more tired than usual.

A Natural Alternative: Fresh, Pure Spring Water

For those looking for a natural alternative to tap water, Natural Springs Australia delivers fresh, mineral-rich spring water straight to homes and offices in Singapore.

  •  Sourced from the Black Hills mountains in Victoria, Australia
  • Naturally filtered, chemical-free, and rich in minerals
  • pH 8.1 with natural electrolytes for better hydration 

Unlike some bottled waters that undergo heavy processing, our spring water is drawn directly from the source and retains its natural balance of minerals - meaning you get water as nature intended.

Read the full article here


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